This is a photo diary of my costuming "travels"; where I've learned and struggled to make historical costumes for myself. They're not always pretty, but always fun, most of the time. And I want to share with others what I learn along the way. **You can find me on Facebook, or have my posts delivered to your email by signing up at the lower part of the right column.**

About Me

My photo
HI, my name is Val. I'm a member of Costumer's Guild West in Los Angeles, Dean of 2018 & 2024 Costume College; Past President of the San Diego Costume Guild, and a representative of the San Diego History Center. I also put on historical fashion shows for various groups. I make my own historical costumes but don't sell any unless I get tired of one.The eras I've made so far are 1770 up to 1918. My favorite is the 1880s bustle.


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award

I got a surprise post today that I had been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award by laluebonnet of Teacups Among the Fabric blog  Thank you! I'm honored that my blog was noticed and felt it deserved this recognition.
I'm not sure what it all entails but I am required to share a bit of myself. The rules of the award are that you must:
  • Thank and link back to the person who nominated you.
  • Paste the award to your blog.
  • Tell 7 things about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 other blogs. 
1. My mom tells me I loved dressing up in costume when I was a little girl, and not just at Halloween. But I do remember a gorilla suit she made for me at Halloween when I was about 6, and that's not my favorite memory. My favorite was the I Dream of Jeannie outfit. And a pilgrim. 
2. My mom sewed most of my dresses and I wanted to sew too. I remember not liking my sewing classes but apparently it stuck and I can sew. But I was impatient at how long it took to make anything. 
3. I was extremely shy and decided since I like to read, I wanted to be a librarian where I could hide in the library. 
4. I went on a ride-along in a police car at age 15 and that changed my whole life. Now I wanted to be a police officer.I began volunteering at our police department and eventually was hired. I retired 28 years later.  
5. I lived in the same small city I was born in until I was 24. I still live in the same county 30 years later. 
6. I got interested in wearing historical clothes about 10 years ago, and discovered those were harder to make than modern clothes. 
7. I've spent the last five years since I retired working on making my costumes better and am able to spend more time wearing them now. And I love to write about them. 

My Nominees are:
1. The Fashionable Past   Katherine & I both met during our first attendance of Costume College, and she likes writing about her costumes too and sharing how to make them. 
2. A Frolic through Time.   ZipZip is again another costumer who likes to share how she makes her own gowns. 
3. Adventurers of a Costumer  Lindsey is another blogger who shares her historical research. 
4. The Broke Costumer  Cindy is my friend and I'm so happy she shares how she makes her costumes with less money, since this can be an expensive habit. 
5. All the Pretty Dresses  Isabella finds all these pretty dresses on ebay, etc, and gives some great historical information on them, & whether they're correctly ID'd or not. Great fun to read and learn! 
6. History in my Wardrobe Aylwen lives the dream of costumers; she's a costumed dance instructor, makes costumes for herself and others, and gets to travel to other countries doing all that! She lives in Australia so that's a lot of air miles. 
7. Louise Penny This has nothing to do with costumes. Louise is a Canadian mystery author, and I first discovered her books on Inspector Gamache while traveling through Quebec. I was hooked after the first one. Her posts described the beautiful area she lives in, so it brings back memories of that trip. Her first book was Still Life. 
8. Natalie Garbett-Maker of Historical Clothing and Costumes I met Natalie last year at the Costume Symposium in Colonial Williamsburg and we became friends on Facebook. I've followed all her fabulous costumes she makes and wears in Paris and thereabouts. What a life! 
9. Nancy's Daily Dish  I got interested in English transferware dishes, and Nancy has such pretty stuff. 
10. Lady Carolyn Carolyn is another costumer I met at Costume College and she lives a costumed life too. She does presentations at different locations and on cruise ships sharing her historical clothing and the stories behind them. Need a partner, Carolyn? 
11.Maggie's Costume Wardrobe  I met Maggie on LiveJournal where we both used to write about our costume adventures. You may already know her from her Costumer's Guide to the Movies website where she comes up with all those FABULOUS photos of costumes in the movies. 
12. Wearing History  Lauren is another costume friend of mine and besides being very generous in sharing how she makes her costumes,  and very humble about them, she has become an enterprising business lady with her vintage pattern reproductions, Wearing History. 
Part of the rules don't require you to describe why you picked your favorite blogs, but you can see a pattern there, where most of mine like to share what they've learned with others. And, well, as you can see, I like to write. 


  1. Wow, you're fast! A police officer? I'd never have guessed! ;)And of course you are most worthy! I've always enjoyed your blog, very quietly because I'm shy too!

  2. Dear Val,
    Thank you, thank you, thank you! What fun to learn about you, your work, and your deep roots...and the giggle-able fact that you used to be impatient about sewing, so naturally you chose costuming, in order to be even more impatient?

    I posted about the award recently at It is definitely an honor to be given the award twice!

    Very best,


  3. Thanks for the award! I appreciate it! :-)
